
Friday 28 June 2024

Leafy Inspiration

 I was chatting online recently with a crafty friend and was reminded of some leaf dies which I've had for a while and I was inspired to dig them out for a play and at the same time I also found another set of leaf dies which I'd not used for a while either.  I pulled out some shaving foam technique card which I wasn't too keen on when I coloured it but kept anyway.  Decided to over stamp with some text and added a few splodges of gold ink (from a very old  clogged spray bottle) and then proceeded to cut out some leaves and also used scraps of kraft card as well. Sadly the gold doesn't show too well in the picture. I used my triptych die to cut out a shaped background in layers before adding the leaves and a tiny bow.  I thought this would probably be suitable as a masculine card and I will show the other one I made with a different set of leaves  another day - two masculine cards thanks to inspiration from a friend.  Thanks so much, you know who you are 😉

Leaf Dies - Leaf Prints from Sizzix (Tim Holtz)
Label shape - Triptych die Studio Light 
Bow - die from Gummiapan


  1. A gorgeous leafy card using up a shaving foam snippet and a great idea to add just one panel of the triptych to a square card. Love it❤️

  2. Lovely card Val, it would be perfect as a masculine or feminine card. I love how you've used the triptych die. My die arrived this week, I just need to find time to use it.
    Liz xx

  3. Lovely Autumnal colours Val, can imagine the gold sparkle.

    B x

  4. I love the colors you added to those leaves and this will be a perfect autumn card for anyone - it's beautiful.
