
Saturday, 10 December 2022

Allsorts Challenge #706

 Time for another challenge at Allsorts and this time it's **A/G or Let it Snow**.  I am pretty well up to date with Christmas cards, especially as I thought they should be posted earlier than I would do normally because of  possible hold-ups due to strikes.  I've opted for the anything goes option this time with a couple of bookmarks which I've made as Christmas gifts.  It's a bit of a challenge in itself to come up with interesting designs in such a tall thin layout but I do always enjoy a challenge, especially when the end result doesn't look too bad ๐Ÿ˜‚.  As usual there are lovely prizes to be won and some great inspiration from the design team.

Stamps by Lavinia

Friday, 9 December 2022

A Week

I see it's a week since I last posted anything here but one way and another it has been a frustrating week.  Following on from recently losing both my land line and broadband for nearly a week, leaving me with lots of catching up to do, I seem to have had various problems - why oh why is it so difficult to speak to a real person when phoning to untangle things or make appointments which seem to be like hens' teeth๐Ÿ™„. Life just seems to get more and more complicated - or maybe it is just me getting old but I don't think so.

Anyway I have a stamped card made fairly recently to share today.  I started with a Gelli plate background and built up the scene with a selection of stamps, finally adding some second generation words around the edge just to give a bit of extra texture along with some light inking.

Very cold weather at present but maybe a good excuse to head for the craft room - keep warm everyone.

Stamps - all from Lavinia