
Sunday 16 June 2024

Inky Fingers

 I've been playing with inks again, this time I used Distress Oxides onto an A5 piece of watercolour card and  added a bit of texture with a selection of stamps and also with a clean stamp spritzed with water to lift some of the colour here and there.  Once dry I chopped it up into ATC size (makes 5 cards) and here are three of them using a selection of dies and stamps.  Next move is to rummage through some more of my stamps and dies to see what I can do with the other two pieces.

.Stamps - Crafty Roo, Chocolate Baroque and some magazine freebies
Dies - Sizzix, not recent purchases


  1. These are each beautifully colored and designed. I especially like the Be You sentiment on the first one. NJ working with your inks.

  2. Awesome job on the ink blending, beautiful colours, and like the ATCs, especially the black silhouettes xxx

  3. Looks like it was fun Val and with Carol on that sentiment, a 'need' item I think.

    B x

  4. These ATCs are so lovely and colourful Val. I really love what you've made - especially the Art for Art's Sake one! Your ink blending is superb. Can't wait to see the other two!

    Wishing you a Happy Monday xxxx

  5. Fab colourful ATCs I love the sentiment on the first one.
