
Saturday, 17 September 2016


It would appear that most crafters are well into thinking about Christmas by now and last weekend I spotted my friend Jill of Jill's Quills at a local show demonstrating some of her quilling.  She had a series of clear plastic baubles containing a variety of snowflakes so of course I had to treat myself to some of the empty baubles so that I could have a go and this is one of the ones I've made.  As you can imagine these are not the easiest things to photograph and I just couldn't get it to hang facing the right direction for the camera.  I resorted to standing it on a small flower pot and even that isn't the best of photos because of the reflections but hopefully you can see the general idea.  I might carefully take it out of the bauble later to get a picture of the actual snowflake to see the detail so watch this space!

EDITED:  I decided against removing this snowflake from its bauble but I've made another one of a different design using silver paper this time.  It is now ready to be inserted into another bauble.


  1. Your snowflake in the bauble is beautiful Val these are so effective


  2. Wow Val your talents cover such a wide spectrum of crafts! This is absolutely gorgeous and who wouldn't want it hanging on their tree!

    Lesley Xx

  3. Oh Val this is just so gorgeous! Am really glad you didn't take it out of the bauble to take a photo, when you wrote that my heart was in my mouth until I red further on! Just beautiful!


    Di xx

  4. Lovely Val. I've had the same photography issues too! Really like the silver snowflake too.
