
Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Something New - to Me Anyway

In a recent post Di was wondering if she needed to get out more - read all about it HERE.  I had heard about these bracelets made from rubber bands using a fancy sort of loom but wasn't sure if I should start yet another craft. However curiosity got the better of me so I had a look around Tesco while topping up with a few food items and spotted packets of the bands but no kits or looms.  I bought a couple of colours thinking that maybe I could look online and find out how to do this and happily there are designs which can be done without using a loom.  The fishtail pattern I've done here can be worked on the fingers but apparently one drawback to that is being unable to put it down until it is finished so I resorted to using two pencils instead.  My little bracelet was finished so quickly and I can quite see that this is something else which could become addictive so maybe, like Di, I also need to get out more!!  I'm sure the bands are available in more subtle colours but all Tesco had to offer were mainly fluorescent ones.  I have a more serious beaded necklace to finish off so should really apply myself to getting that done before I get sidetracked into any more odd pursuits.


  1. Val these are very addictive, everyone is doing them. Maddison loves them. Hugs x ChrisB

  2. I love it Val. An eight year old taught me how to make mine (purple and lilac) while we were away over Christmas. When my daughter go married earlier this year, I bought a pack each with the looms for the 4 girls (children) who were attending. I don't think the looms were used as the istructions were not to clear.

    Sue xx

  3. Ha! Ha! I got addicted to these last weekend after spending 2 days with Alexa (6 yr old granddaughter). She was an excellent teacher and I now have a selection of very basic weave bracelets & 1 necklace and her Daddy has about 5 which he is most definitely expected to wear. We didn't use the loom but I have looked online and would love to have a go at one of the more complicated weaves, Uh! Oh!

    Lesley Xx

  4. Val you are welcome to come over and play with my grandchildren as they are making these all the time.....did you know you can get charms for them as well....
    Still it's nice to have a break from card making...lOl..lOL..


  5. I've been resisting this week - my niece and nephew are in to them and I've bought a box as a present and been very, very tempted, I've seen some great things although as you say there are a lot of very bright bands around.
    Love yours though.

  6. Fabulous Val - love the colours you used here. Yup, it's addictive - Amazon sell the loom kits for under £5 if you really want to get hooked :))

    Hugs from another big kid!

    Di xx
