There seem to be quite a few ladybird cards going the rounds at the moment which reminded me that I had a lovely ladybird stamp which I've had for a few years and which hadn't been out of its box for a while. There are three fairly large ladybirds in the set so I've stamped, coloured and fussy cut them (they were produced before matching dies became the norm for practically everything). Only two here but the other largest one has been used on another card which I will share at some point.The white die cut circle has been splattered with some green and I had a couple of suitable leaves already cut, Put everything together onto a matching floral background and that's it - my ladybird card to join with the trend without needing to buy anything new 😉
Ladybirds - stamp set from Docrafts (Papermania) no longer available
White circle - die from Daisy Mae
Your lady bug card is different how your colours all tone in, nice card
Such a beautiful card Val.
ReplyDeleteSue xx
Your fussy cutting of those ladybugs is amazing! What a fun little card and thanks too for the well wishes. Much appreciated!
ReplyDeleteWhat sweet ladybirds and your fussy cutting is brilliant Val and so pretty on the circular die with some wonderful smooshing, also the leaves which your ladybirds are sitting on, and the floral dp goes perfectly. x
ReplyDeleteLove your ladybird card, they look fab against the background and leaves xxx